New Years Resolutions

Welcome to 2025! Did you set any New Years resolutions? How are you tracking so far? Did you know most people give up their resolutions by mid-January?

Why don’t New Year’s resolutions work?
It’s because they’re usually made in a moment of excitement without a solid plan to back them up. People aim high with big, unrealistic goals or set goals about things they feel they “should” do. Without a clear plan and steady effort, it’s easy to lose motivation and fall back into old habits.

Get deeper into your real WHY
When it comes to staying motivated, it’s really important to get to the heart of why you want to achieve something. Knowing your true reasons gives you a personal and emotional connection to your goals.

Example resolution: In 2025 I should stick to a spending budget and save more money

WHY: So I have more money in the bank.

WHY: I should save for a rainy day or something in the future.

WHY: So I can have funds for emergencies if needed. I want to go on an overseas holiday next year.

Start by making a small but significant steps
James Clear, in his book “Atomic Habits,” shares four easy ways to build habits that stick. First, make it super clear what you want to do by setting obvious reminders. Second, make it fun by connecting your habit with something you enjoy. Third, keep it simple by starting with small, easy steps. Lastly, give yourself a little reward each time to keep you motivated. By using these tips, you can successfully create and maintain new habits.

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